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Loging Apartments Logo
Phone: +34 931 146 004
Website: https://lodgingapartments.com

Cookies policy

A cookie is a small text file stored in your browser when you visit almost any website. It is used so the site can remember your visit when you browse it again. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, content personalization, use statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The purpose of a cookie is to adapt the site content to your profile and needs. Without cookies, the services offered by any site would be noticeably affected.

Cookies used on our website

Pursuant to the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, below is detailed information on the use this website makes of cookies in order to inform you with the maximum possible accuracy.
This website uses the followingcookies:



Cookie purpose

Own cookies


These cookies are used by our website to save your navigation preferences like language, currency, search dates, apartment saved list. This cookie is essential for the website to work.

Google analytics cookies


These cookies are established by Google Analytics to trace the use of the website. They are very useful for us, to try to know which parts of the web are working well for our users and which parts are not.

Disabling or deleting cookies

You can exercise your right to disable or delete cookies from this website at any time. These actions are performed differently, depending on the browser you are using.

Our website uses cookies to improve the services that are offered. If you continue browsing, we will assume that you accept their use